
Friday, June 19, 2009

ABSOLUTION Weekend, July 3rd and 4th!

Hello, All...I left  the nightclub production world in 2007 after producing the party SHADOWLANDS to focus on music.  But sometimes something very rare and special comes along.  The way things have worked out,  I am happy to present to all of you a party called ABSOLUTION.  Some of you may remember it, as it has been running for the past 10 years, others may not- it's an exclusive goth/industrial party featuring the best DJs that Manhattan has to offer.  Produced, or should I say curated, by DJ Jason of Alchemy, Absolution, Batcave, Mother and a whole host of other venues and parties, you will not find a party in the city of Manhattan these days to match this one in atmosphere, music and....just sheer GOTH-ness:)  If you liked or even loved SHADOWLANDS, you will appreciate ABSOLUTION.  I invite all of you, former and future guests, to join me on July 3rd and 4th, either one or both days, at the same space SHADOWLANDS was held in- 113 Doyers St.  It will be a weekend to remember.

