
Friday, December 31, 2010

ABSOLUTION accomplishments 2010

Here is a list of the distinctions ABSOLUTION has garnered in 2010.  We hit the ground running last New Years, as it marked the beginning of our weekly contract on Fridays with club UC87 to produce one Gothic/Industrial themed party per week, and sometimes two in the case of a Sunday holiday party such as Halloween.

1) We produced over 52 parties at UC87(not including other venues)

2) We had about 30 bands play throughout the year, being the only Goth/Industrial themed night in the NYC area and it's boroughs that featured at least one band per week.

3) We featured a roster of 50+ DJs who all came to promote their own party productions with guest appearances

4) We designed a website(coming soon!) that is an online library and repository of information about previous Goth/Industrial events in NYC, restoring the rich history of this scene to the people who created it and took part in it and those who wish to find out about the history of this scene, dating as far back as 1996.

This major effort revitalized the Goth/Industrial scene in NYC and drew attention to it from other music fans and producers.  It provided a welcome influx of interest about this subject and gave music and fashion fans the option of attending and celebrating this scene on a weekly weekend basis.  Unwilling to allow a great tradition to fall into disrepair and unafraid of naysayers, we will continue on our path into 2011!  There are many options open to us now and there are many other works in progress, so stay tuned for more news.  It's a good time to be a Goth/Industrial fan, DJ or musician in NYC;)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From a Distance- Moving into 2011!

What a wild year we've had!  We have accomplished many goals that were previously being said to be impossible(although we knew from many years experience that they were not, in fact, impossible at all), such as creating a weekly Goth/Industrial club event.  We've had some ups and downs, and incredible progress.  Galvanizing the Goth/Industrial scene into action has been a great pleasure to me.  Even on the worst days when you have seen me with a stressed out look on my face, hair askew and not in the best outfit(or, can I even say it?  Sneakers!:/), it has been an honor, a pleasure, and so inspiring to bring such a beautiful art form back to the City of New York on a weekly, weekend basis.

What we have done has made things easier for all producers and patrons of Goth/Industrial music events by increasing the frequency of the events in NYC and therefore the interest and fan base.   By "defending the borders" and highlighting the differences between what we like and what other music and fashion fans like,  we made it so that people were aware of these differences and could therefore make a conscious choice to be in our category- and "represent" as the case may be, LOL!

I want to dedicate this song to those who felt unnecessarily threatened last year by our progress(there are always a couple of those).  We knew and were prepared for this by our years of experience, but that never makes this process any easier emotionally.  We want those people to know that they are in our hearts, and a candle is always burning in the window to light their way back to us, a drink always poured and set for them at the table.  We care for them more than they know.

autumn animated lighted candle 31000 pictures, backgrounds and images

"From a distance, you look like my friend... "