Katie loves popular music and fashion. She talks to the popular crowd at her
high school and isn’t one of the Most popular girls but she is in what is
considered a “good” group. Lately some incidents have been troubling her. A girl
she had been friendly with had a disagreement with one of the more popular girls
at school. In about 2 weeks, the girl was accused of being a “racist” because of
something ambiguous she said. It was clear that she didn’t mean what she said to
come out sounding “racist”. She was socially ripped to shreds and “cancelled”,
which means nobody in the top level groups was “allowed” to speak to her any
more. The girl was harassed on social media and had to place blocks on half the
people she had considered friends at school. And she had to switch a couple of
her classes due to harassment. The school administration didn’t do much to try
to help her other than switch a couple of her classes. She was now harassed in
the hallway of the school during classes and it was clear she was having a very
hard time. Her popular boyfriend broke up with her and she had a completely
different and much harder life than she had before her “cancelling”, and went
through a life crisis. Katie knew something was wrong with what she had just
witnessed. She confided in her mom, who confirmed that her school had become a
Socially Dangerous environment and that the school administration was allowing
it. Katie had to watch what she said near the accusatory girl and her “inner
circle”. She could see they had enjoyed destroying the other girl and were
looking for a new victim. Katie’s mother helped Katie pick a new school to go
to, and agreed to help her get to the new location every morning. Katie told all
her friends at her previous school that her new school had programs she needed
to prepare her better for college. She started the new school mid year. The new
high school had a better culture than her previous school and she was easily
able to make friends. In a few months she was able to become one of the most
popular girls at her school.
Dennis is employed by a research firm. He is
trying to climb the corporate ladder. He witnessed some behavior at his job that
put him ill at ease. A high achieving employee was accused of social violations
and penalized by the company’s HR Department, after threatening someone else’s’
job with the good job he was doing. Everyone on his floor was subtly warned “not
to achieve too much” or “they could be next”. Dennis spoke to his counselor
about what had happened at work. His counselor agreed that his job was an unsafe
social environment for him to be in. He began finding out about other positions
available in his field. Within 6 months he had successfully submitted an
application to another available position and left the first firm. He was able
to advance his career and get several promotions as a result.
Leanne was a socially active person at a medium sized college. She had come from a bad
family in which there had been abuse, and wanted to reinvent her life and make
the world a better place. She joined a group of “Social Justice Warriors” on
campus and wanted to change the world so that nobody else could be abused the
way she had been in her home. Her SWJ group “called out” several people on
campus and created the “canceling” of several students and a teacher, who was
forced to leave his position. It seemed like she was doing a lot of great work
with her group of friends, and she loved it. Then Leanne was given a high
profile interview by a local magazine that featured her picture and a video of
the interview. One of the other women in her SJW group became jealous of
Leanne’s new social status. Leanne was set up by this woman to look as though
she had committed a “racist” crime. This is called “staging”. Although she had a
strong history as an SJW and had participated in the Cancelling of others, this
did not save her from being Cancelled herself. Leanne had never realized the
importance of counseling and did not have any advisors to warn her that if she
got too close to a group that was Cancelling others, and she achieved too much
status in that group, she could be Canceled herself. The administration of the
college did nothing to help Leanne and neither did her SJW friends. She was
almost expelled and blocked from being on campus, hindering her ability to
complete her PhD Dissertation. She ended up in great debt for her education with
an incomplete PhD as a result, and denounced as a Racist on several TV programs
after having fought racism for years as an SJW.
Shawn is a writer who writes for several popular TV shows and also sells screenplays to movie
producers. He delved into “cult” audiences and wrote some Fantasy/Sci Fi stories
for the “Sci/Fi” crowd. Lately, the “Sci/Fi” crowd has been gaining traction on
Social Media. As a group they started trying to control the scripts of movies
and randomly denouncing certain characters and scenarios in the story as “not
socially acceptable”. They wanted people cast in roles where they clearly did
not fit (bad casting) and tried to force the production company and writers to
comply. Shawn and the other writers and producers had a meeting and decided that
the brand had attracted a Toxic Audience. They discussed the fact that the brand
was no longer viable due to the toxic audience it had attracted and should be
shelved or sold, and new shows should be created. They all were in agreement
that although the brand made money, toxic audiences could create bad social
situations for actors careers and others who were the “face” of the brand, and
the quality of the product and their work and reputation in the field could be
compromised and reduced as a result of the audience collectively pressuring the
writers and production company. And this would compromise their careers. They
discussed strategies to avoid toxic audiences in the future and ideas for new
shows that would tap into a new audiences and other sectors of the population.
Research funds were allocated to detecting which audiences contained the most
“toxicity” so they could be avoided in the future.